May is the month
we celebrate the women who dedicate their lives to taking care of us, whether
they are a mother, a grandmother, or someone else who has made a meaningful
impact. Making sure that other people live healthy lives can be stressful and
time-consuming, and this leads a lot of women to put their own health on the
back burner.
Dr. Kifer wants to change this pattern by inspiring all women to get the health care they
may have been neglecting, and treat themselves as well as they treat those
around them. We are encouraging everyone to celebrate National Women’s Health
Week from May 13th-19th this year.
show that in times of need mothers are quick to cut things out of their own
lives rather than have their children sacrifice. In one survey 72% of women
said they gave up on the quality of clothing they wear, while the same number
said they made no changes to that of their children. We need to make sure that
these cuts are not extending to health-related issues.
visits are one great way to check up on overall health. Fixing issues that come
up in a visit can save a woman you love from deadly conditions such as COPD,
pneumonia, a stroke, or even a heart attack. Dr. Kifer checks for signs of diabetes, high blood pressure, oral cancer,
and many other life-threatening disorders as part of regular twice-yearly
month, encourage a woman you love to put themselves first. Buy them a massage
or give them a foot rub when they come home. Tell them to take it easy one
night while you make dinner and do the dishes. Better yet, make sure they are
getting all of the health care they need and deserve. Are they on schedule for
their twice-yearly check-ups with Dr. Kifer?